I never had a single thing
My Daddy could not mend
And all the things he had to fix
Just seemed to have no end

He's fix my little table up,
And then I'd break my chair
And then I'd find my dolly
Had somehow lost her hair

Later on as heartaches came
With many shattered dreams
Everything would be all right
When Dad was there it seems

Oh, I believed within my heart
That he could fix it all
And tired or not, he never failed
To answer every call

As I grew up, I noticed
What I had not seen before
My Dad was looking pale and thin
And resting more and more

Oh how I wanted to fix for him
Whatever there was wrong
While knowing deep inside somehow
He was not here for long

Then suddenly God called him home
This world he did depart
And my Daddy left me here to face
A sad and broken heart

I wondered who I'd turn to now
For it was plain to see
I now had something broken
Only God could fix for me

Copyright Idella R. Lynch
Idella's Poems
For as long as we can remember, Danny's sister Idella has been writing poems. She has graciously allowed
us to use a few of her poems on this webpage.
If in this life you have troubles,
Don't worry or fret and frown . . .
Your problems will only seem larger,
And soon they'll be getting you down.

Just look up to the One who can help you,
And soon with your faith and your prayer . . .
Those troubles will surely get lighter,
Because Jesus Christ will be there to share!
Idella Ricketts Lynch
Idella Ricketts Lynch
Idella with her mother, Marie Ricketts,
and their children: Idella's daughter
Sylvia and Marie's son Danny.

God chose her from the best ones,
And saved her just for me . . .
A kind and gentle Mother,
As sweet as she could be.

I'd hoped that I would get one,
Who'd give me love and care . . .
And anytime I needed her,
I'd always find her there.

I wanted someone who'd love me,
Whether I deserved it or not . . .
And when God gave me my Mother,
That's exactly what I got.

Copyright Idella R. Lynch
Remembering Daddy

Idella Ricketts Lynch
Copyright Idella R. Lynch
Reuben Edward Ricketts
(1901 - 1957)
Idella Ricketts Lynch
I was searching through some papers Dad,
Just looking for a clue
Hoping I could find out why
God left me without you

As I searched I found your Bible
Its pages stained with tears
From oh so many heartaches,
Throughout your many years

The Bible . . . filled with pages marked
With words from God above
Verses that kept you going
And filled with God's own love

Those many nights you shared with us
While we sat at your knee
Must have been the happiest time
God ever gave to me

As I reread that Bible
I knew I'd found a clue
God left me without a Daddy,
But God . . . I still have You!

Copyright Idella R. Lynch