Dear Heavenly Father,

I come to You in the Name of Jesus.

Your Word says, ". . . him that comes to me I will not cast out."  (John 6:37)

So I know You won't cast me out, but You take me in.

And I thank You for it.

You said in Your Word,". . . if you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart
that God has raised him from the dead, YOU SHALL BE SAVED . . . For whosoever shall call upon the name of
the Lord shall be saved."         (Romans 10:9, 13)

I believe in my heart that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

I believe He was raised from the dead for my justification [to put me in right standing with God].

I am calling upon His Name - the Name of Jesus - so I know, Father, that You save me now.

Your Word says, ". . . with the heart man believes unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made
unto salvation."  (Romans 10:10)

I do believe with my heart, and I confess Jesus now as my Lord.

Therefore I am saved!

Thank You, Father!
Prayer To Receive JESUS as Savior and Lord
If you prayed the above prayer sincerely from your heart, you have been saved. That experience is
also called being born again.   You are now a child of the Living God, the only True God - and you
are our brother or sister in Jesus Christ.  Welcome to the Family! If we don't get to meet you down
here, we will see you in Heaven.  It's real folks!

If you prayed this prayer to receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior, we hope you will
send an email
to let us know.  Also, please let us know how we can pray for you.

It is important to talk to God and read the Bible daily.  Find a good church that really teaches the
Click here for a list of Rhema churches in your area.

We love you and want to pray for you,

Danny  &  Nancye Ricketts